Children Fatherhood House Life Parenting

Homes Are Not Museums

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

“You don’t have kids with the intent of retaining a clean house. Kids are sources of chaos and disorder. Get over that fact. Where does that disorder come from? It’s because they are experimenting with their environment. Everything is new to them.”

— Neil deGrasse Tyson

When I was younger, I had a vision for the way my home would look when I was an adult.

It would look like something from a Michael Mann film — all chrome and steel with clean lines and large windows. And it would be pristine. There would be nothing out of place.

Children Cooking Food In Appreciation of Marriage Parenting

In Appreciation of: Brinner

via Reddit

“It’s not the cooking that is the problem; it’s the deciding of what to cook that’s the problem.”

That is how my wife describes the daily struggle of deciding what to make for dinner every single night.

Children Fatherhood Life Parenting

A Return to the Terrible Twos

A Dispatch from the Trenches

via The New York Times

“Having a two-year-old is like having a blender without a lid.”

— Jerry Seinfeld

This is a dispatch from the war. I’m writing this from the trenches, in the heart of the conflict.

After what has felt like hours of intense battle, the rebel soldier has deployed her ultimate weapon, the one that is unleashed when all else fails: standing in the center of the kitchen, screaming at the top of her lungs as droplets of saltwater jump from her eyes.

What could have caused such a reaction? What did the oppressive totalitarian government do to the people to cause this emotionally-charged attack from the rebel?

Dinner was served.

Children Fatherhood Lessons Life Parenting

My Children Help Me Battle My OCD (Just By Being Themselves)

Not my house but close (via)

“Life is a long lesson in humility.”

— James Barrie

It’s a cliché that having a child changes your life forever, but things become clichés because they’re true, and one of the biggest adjustments is just how much stuff children come with and how difficult it is to keep it all organized.

Children Fatherhood Life Parenting

As a Father of Girls…

As a father of girls…

Children Parenting

6 Gift Ideas for the New Parent in Your Life

Did you or someone close to you just have a baby?

Congratulations! Your life will never be the same!

The Pierznik Monthly

The Pierznik Monthly Reading Review Volume 40 (January 2018) – Special Children’s Edition


For my first monthly reading review newsletter of 2018, I decided to do something a bit different and focus on the children’s books that my daughter has loved over the first five-and-a-half years of her life.

Fatherhood Life

The Modern Era of Fatherhood


“I have more pictures of my children than my father ever looked at me.”

Jim Gaffigan

I do the grocery shopping in my house.


Cooking with Your Child – The Gift and the Curse

Young mother and son in kitchen making cookies.

“Daddy, can I help?”

Children's Programs Fatherhood TV

The Creator of “Sofia the First” Responds!


Recently, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek post asking ten burning questions regarding my daughter’s favorite show, Sofia the First. This morning, the show’s creator and executive producer, Craig Gerber, hopped on Twitter to say that he dug my post and to answer my dumbass queries.