Hip-Hop Podcast Rap Wu-Tang Clan

Wu-Tang Podcast: “Wu-Tang Forever” [Disc 2] featuring Christopher Pierznik


If it’s going to take years for something to happen, it better be worth the wait. With that in mind, for my first podcast appearance, I was lucky to have the opportunity to talk about my absolutely favorite album, Wu-Tang Forever.

The Pierznik Monthly

The Pierznik Monthly Newsletter Volume 44 (May 2018)


The May edition of my monthly newsletter, including book reviews. Please subscribe!

Life Money Work

Time vs. Money


Virtually everyone has heard the old adage that “time is money,” but how many really analyze what it means?

The truth is that time and money are inversely proportional — the more you have of one, the less you have of the other.

Career Life

The Twitter Reckoning


For those of us that are old enough to remember rotary phones and Columbia House music for a penny, we remember a time when everything was slower. Television news was on once or twice a day and the Sunday newspaper was thick enough to use as a step stool. Back then, it took a long time for news to travel and for movements to pick up speed. Things like Watergate or Iran-Contra unraveled slowly, over a long period of time.

That’s no longer the case.