
A Dream Shattered

It’s after 1 a.m. on a Saturday night/Sunday morning and while I’m ostensibly doing work for a class I’m taking, I can’t stop thinking about a phone call I received today. The bottle of wine I just finished is helping with the deep reflection, just FYI.


A Perfect Moment in an Imperfect Life

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”

Emily Brontë

As a parent and homeowner, it can be difficult to not become a slave to tasks.

The Pierznik Monthly

The Pierznik Monthly Newsletter Volume 59 (October 2019)

Image result for man covered in books

The latest iteration of my newsletter includes my recent experience with Hallmark Christmas movies, changing a one-year-old, having to pay a deposit to use a shopping cart, and of course, the latest books I encountered.

Books Hip-Hop Rap Reviews

“On Writing” for the Hip-Hop Culture: Rakim’s “Sweat the Technique” Reviewed

In most cases, progress and evolution happen slowly, over a period of time marked by small, incremental changes. Occasionally, however, a seismic shift occurs and a culture transforms overnight.

That is what happened in 1986 when a young man with a voice that sounded like it was from outer space came in the door and changed the game forever with “Eric B. Is President,” the first single from Eric B. & Rakim. The latter half of that duo was still in high school when he introduced a “new era of rhyme style” with complex internal rhymes full of multisyllabic words and a relaxed, composed delivery that was more conversational than shouting.

It was a new day in hip-hop.