Learning Life

The Gift of Being Forgiven

photo by Christopher Pierznik

I was recently listening to a podcast and the closing question was “What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?”

The guest had a great answer. Did I?

Career Children Fatherhood How I Work Life Parenting Work

Children Are the Best Time Management Tools


I thought I was good at managing my time, but having children has made me so much better at it.

That may seem counterintuitive. After all, children suck up all of our time. The moment they finish eating a meal, they’re asking for snacks. They need diaper changes and baths. They’re constantly pulling you somewhere to color or play or read to them. They need to be driven to practice and doctor appointments and friends’ homes. They create an incredible amount of dirty dishes and dirty laundry. They make the house look like it’s been ransacked and looted. They are agents of chaos.

They also want all of your time all of the time.

Books Children Fatherhood Parenting Reading

Our Nightly Family Reading Time

“Children reading by lamp light” (Oil on Canvas), by Knud Erik Larsen

A household with two working parents and two children consists of many things but is largely defined by two: routine and chaos.