
Micro-Annoyances: Tiny Things That Irritate Me

I’m bothered by what I call micro-annoyances far more than I should be. These are small, insignificant things that don’t matter and aren’t worth even addressing, but can pile up to become an avalanche of annoying.

Basically, it’s the same sort of thing Larry David has been exploring on television for almost thirty-five years. 

I’m not nearly as good as he is, but I have made a list of my own micro-annoyances that keep coming up in my daily life that I want to vent out into the world. 

Here they are, in no particular order…

House Life Parenting

Memories in the Attic

It’s a storage area but it’s also a time capsule and a time machine

There are people that will tell you that places don’t hold memories, that they’re stored in your head and in your heart, always with you. 

It is true that we carry memories with us, but it’s also true that a place, an object, a song, or even a smell can act as a time machine, transporting us back to a time and place that we had thought was lost to the sands of time.