
Scottie Pippen Was Fucking Great


There’s no need for a preamble. Let’s just say it: Scottie Pippen was fucking great. Not good. Not really good. Not very good. Great. Great great.

The Pierznik Monthly

The Pierznik Monthly Newsletter Volume 47 (August 2018)

Since I’ve pretty much abandoned Twitter, the only place to get my incredibly insightful and well-researched thoughts on a variety of topics is through my newsletter. Subscribe and be fulfilled!

Career Life Work Writing

The Work Is What Matters

“The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the credit. Try, if you can, to belong to the first class. There’s far less competition.”

— Dwight Morrow

As Ryan Holiday writes in Ego Is the Enemy, John Boyd is “one of the most influential strategists and practitioners in modern warfare,” yet he’s “someone most people have never heard of.”

The fact that Boyd is unknown is fitting, because his lasting legacy is a speech he gave to scores of young officers that has come to be known as the “To Do or To Be” speech:

Life Money

Is Enough Ever Enough?


Let’s talk about money.

Most of us have some sort of financial concern. Some estimates show that nearly 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and 61% can’t cover a $1,000 emergency. Wages have stagnated, but the cost of everything else has continued to rise meaning that purchasing power hasn’t really moved in four decades.

It takes an annual income of one-third of a million dollars to buy a home in San Francisco, which is fascinating considering the median household income there is about $83,000. It’s not just the coasts, either. Real median household income in New York City is just under $51,000 but in the entire country it’s $59,000. Considering how expensive everything — housing, food, transportation — is, that’s not very much.

Have you ever felt like if you had just a little bit more money it would make an enormous difference? The problem with that thought — one that I’ve had many times — is that the goalposts continue to move.

Media Music

To My iPod


Dear iPod Classic,

You’re lying next to me as I type this, but it’s easier for me to write what I feel than it is to say it to you.

I just wanted to let you know that I value and appreciate you. You have now been by my side for a decade and although we’ve had a few rough patches (remember those dark times you said “iPod sync is complete” but there were actually no songs?), we’ve stayed together and I think our bond is stronger than ever.

The Pierznik Monthly

The Pierznik Monthly Newsletter Volume 46 (July 2018)


I’ve recently revamped my monthly newsletter to be a collection of all my random thoughts on things as well as the book reviews. It’s the eighth-best thing you can get in your inbox! Subscribe!