Children Fatherhood House Life Parenting

Homes Are Not Museums

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

“You don’t have kids with the intent of retaining a clean house. Kids are sources of chaos and disorder. Get over that fact. Where does that disorder come from? It’s because they are experimenting with their environment. Everything is new to them.”

— Neil deGrasse Tyson

When I was younger, I had a vision for the way my home would look when I was an adult.

It would look like something from a Michael Mann film — all chrome and steel with clean lines and large windows. And it would be pristine. There would be nothing out of place.

House Life Yard Work

10 Items That Keep My Yard Fresh

There were many reasons I loved living in a city.

I loved the constant energy; the seemingly countless restaurants and bars; the long, lazy brunches; the pockets of culture like museums and historical sites; the skyscrapers and alleyways; knowing the hidden places that felt like secrets and the corner food cart that served the best breakfast after a long night.

Perhaps most of all, there was no yard work that needed to be done. I had grown up on four acres and my father, born and raised in the city, became like a farmer on the weekends. I’d help him not only cut grass and weed whack, but also with rototilling, stump pulling, tree cutting, and rock moving.

Books Learning Life Process Writing

Time Maximization: Pursuing One’s Passion with a Career and a Family

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In three-and-a-half years, I’ve published eight books, written at least a thousand posts for a variety of websites, and have averaged reading five books per month, all while working in finance for a Fortune 15 multinational with a wife, child, and a home to upkeep.