Children Fatherhood House Life Parenting

Homes Are Not Museums

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

“You don’t have kids with the intent of retaining a clean house. Kids are sources of chaos and disorder. Get over that fact. Where does that disorder come from? It’s because they are experimenting with their environment. Everything is new to them.”

— Neil deGrasse Tyson

When I was younger, I had a vision for the way my home would look when I was an adult.

It would look like something from a Michael Mann film — all chrome and steel with clean lines and large windows. And it would be pristine. There would be nothing out of place.

Children Fatherhood Lessons Life Parenting

My Children Help Me Battle My OCD (Just By Being Themselves)

Not my house but close (via)

“Life is a long lesson in humility.”

— James Barrie

It’s a cliché that having a child changes your life forever, but things become clichés because they’re true, and one of the biggest adjustments is just how much stuff children come with and how difficult it is to keep it all organized.