
My Very Best Writing from 2017


It’s been an interesting year for all of us, but for me, this was even more true.

Children's Programs Fatherhood TV

Alvin Is a Dick and the “ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks” Reboot Sucks


Last year, Nick Jr. premiered the reboot of Alvin and the Chipmunks and, let’s be honest, it sucks.

Children's Programs Fatherhood TV

The Creator of “Sofia the First” Responds!


Recently, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek post asking ten burning questions regarding my daughter’s favorite show, Sofia the First. This morning, the show’s creator and executive producer, Craig Gerber, hopped on Twitter to say that he dug my post and to answer my dumbass queries.

Children's Programs Fatherhood TV

My 10 Biggest Questions About “Sofia the First”


Update: The creator of Sofia the First answered my questions

I have a daughter that will turn 4 in a couple of months. Considering we spend a great deal of time together and I live in a place far from many of my friends, she is probably my best friend. She’s an amazing person, full of life, vitality, jokes, and questions. Oh, the questions.