America Books History Reviews

Worrying About the Nation’s Survival Is an American Tradition — “Fears of a Setting Sun” Reviewed

After nearly two-and-a-half centuries of (mostly) growth and prosperity, there is a segment of the American population that believe their nation’s success and power was inevitable.

Some historians have even fallen victim to this line of thinking, treating America’s founders as demigods that used their mystical powers to build an unsinkable republic that was rock solid from the start.

In reality, it was far from a fait accompli.

America Books History Learning

The Best Books on John Adams

“I am but an ordinary Man. The Times alone have destined me to Fame — and even these have not been able to give me, much…Yet some great Events, some cutting Expressions, some mean Hypocrisies, have at Times, thrown this Assemblage of Sloth, Sleep, and littleness into Rage a little like a Lion.”

John Adams

I have a vivid memory – so clear that it’s like a snapshot – of sitting in an American Revolution class junior year as my professor, a brilliant man and a wonderful teacher, kept extolling the virtues of George Washington and juxtaposing them with John Adams, whom he referred to as “curmudgeonly” and “acerbic.”

That’s all I needed to hear.


My Very Best Writing from 2017


It’s been an interesting year for all of us, but for me, this was even more true.


Thomas Jefferson Was a Dick


It’s a fascinating thought exercise to trace how the leader of the United States of America evolved from George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson to Donald Trump.


The Founding Fathers Needed a Lesson in Personal Finance


ā€œIā€™m out for presidents to represent me.ā€

ā€“ Nas