Books Movies TV

Imagining a Proper John Grisham Universe

I’m unashamed to be a John Grisham fanatic.

While his work has been derided as “legal thrillers [that] are no more mentally taxing – or unpredictable – than fairy tales,” I enjoy them. Well, most of them. Some are quite bad, but there are a few that are actually very good. Most fall somewhere between the two. I usually read biographies and other works of nonfiction, but Grisham is like a reading vacation for me. I don’t have to read with a pen in my hand or work to untangle the density of the prose, and I love his pacing. Also, I listen to his audiobooks as background noise while working or doing things around the house.

As not only a Grisham superfan, but also the internet’s expert on all his books, I decided to take a look at how a live-action Grisham universe could look.

Films Movies


Zack Snyder’s Justice League is an instant classic. It improbably exceeded the hype and continued to advance a beautiful, operatic, tragic epic story.

We need the sequels to see how it all ends.

Art Films Movies Reviews

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: “Release the Snyder Cut” Reviewed

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

For more than three years, the Snyder Cut was part-myth and part-fantasy.

Films Movies

“The Godfather Coda” – Better Than “Part III,” Which Was Better Than You Remember

The Godfather Part II is not only my favorite film, but I would argue it is the finest film I have ever seen. It’s a perfect movie, from start to finish. No film could ever hope to succeed it.

So when I, one of the staunchest defenders of The Godfather Part III, heard that it would be getting a new edit, I was both curious and excited to see what Francis Ford Coppola did to restore – as much as he could thirty years later – his final film on Michael Corleone.

Films Movies Opinion

The Brilliance of Zack Snyder’s DC Universe

What if Superman existed in our current reality? How would the world react to a literal illegal alien — the ultimate immigrant — with godlike abilities? And how would he, in turn, react to the world?

Films Movies

In Defense Of… “The Incredible Hulk”


The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has completely changed Hollywood. From the proliferation of comic book heroes to the notion that every major movie studio now needs its own universe in which its characters can interact through multiple films, Marvel has laid the path that all others are following, praying that they will find the same success. The films within the MCU have combined for a box office total of an estimated $14.8 billion worldwide, including five films raking in more than a billion each. In short, “Marvel has made consistent hits, which is supposedly impossible in a creative business.” But, to hear some tell it, Marvel’s record is not perfect and there are a few black marks on the studio’s résumé.

Actually, one of those marks is green.

Films Movies Rankings

Ranking Every Batman Movie

via Boston Globe

What is the best Batman film of all time?

I’m asked the question often.

Books Films Movies

Who Owns a Fictional Character?

For decades, fans and critics begged for Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, to write another a novel.

In 2015, they finally got their wish. Kind of.

And, as always, you should be careful what you wish for.

Children's Programs Fatherhood Movies TV

How Toys on YouTube Invaded My TV

To say that the nature of television is changing would be a massive understatement.

Films Greatness Movies

In Defense Of Tom Cruise


“Cruise hadn’t hurt his box-office draw — his movies continued to be successful. But Hollywood was convinced he was poison, a religious fanatic, and possibly unhinged.”

– Amy Nicholson, L.A. Weekly

Tom Cruise is an all-time great actor. Don’t believe it? Look at how many people have won or been nominated for Oscars playing opposite him. He makes every actor that shares the screen with him better.